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Vocational and Adult Education Centre no 1 in Warszaw  (CKZiU nr 1)  is a public body, includes  secondary vocational schools, general primary and secondary  education schools for adults.

The secondary vocational education is provided by three main types of schools. 

 Technical School of Construction no 5 (Technikum Budowlane nr 5 )   a  5-year secondary technical school, providing  vocational courses  in construction, finishing works in construction, renewable energies, landscape architecture. 

 Stage I Sectoral Vocational school  (Szkoła Branżowa I stopnia nr 66)  a  3-year vocational school, providing vocational courses  in plastering and other vocations.

 Stage II Sectoral Vocational School (Szkoła Branżowa II stopnia nr 2)  established in 2020/21,a 2-year  vocational school, providing vocational courses in construction, finishing works in construction,  landcape architecture, sanitary installation, nutrition technician and catering services, hairdressing, trading, car technician.

 Qualifying Vocational Courses (KKZ) vocational courses for adults preparing for national vocational exams in construction, finishing works in construction,  landscape architecture, sanitary installation,nutrition technician and catering services, hairdressing 

Total number of students 490, numer of teachers 66.

International projects:

*Erasmus + KA1  (2018-2021) New professional competences as the key to successActivites and mobilities, internships in companies for vet students, job shadowing for vet teachers in Spain,Portugal, Bulgaria. 

*Erasmus Accreditation KA1 (2021-2027)  activities and mobilities  for teachers and learners, participation in skills competitions, short-term learning mobility of VET learners, long-term learning mobility of VET, activities blended with virtual activities, invited experts  hosting teachers and educators in training, preparatory visits, cooperation with EU countries and other regions.


Address    Centrum Kształcenia Zawodowego i Ustawicznego nr 1

Księcia Janusza 45/47, 01-452 Warszawa, Poland 

Office  Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript.

Phone +48 22 632 59 77 ;+48 22 888 27 77; +48 22 888 27 97

International coordinator  Urszula Poniatowska

Email   Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript.

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